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Publications depuis 2018

Revues internationales à comité de lecture, ouvrages et chapitres d'ouvrage

AYAD, Lama, IMINE, Hocine, LANTIERI, Claudio, De CRESCENZIO, Francesca, 2024, Pedal towards Safety: The Development and Evaluation of a Risk Index for Cyclists, infrastructures, 14, 9, Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute - MDPI, pp.1-23, DOI: 10.3390/ infrastructures9010014

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PAZZINI, Margherita, LANTIERI, Claudio, ZOLI, Annalisa, SIMONE, Andrea, IMINE, Hocine, 2023, Evaluation of Railway Station Infrastructure to Facilitate Bike-Train Intermodality, Sustainability, 15, 4, Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute - MDPI, 18p, DOI: 10.3390/su15043525

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SHOMAN, Murad, IMINE, Hocine, 2023, Assessing the Accessibility of Cycling Infrastructure for Wheelchair Users: Insights from an On-Road Experiment and Online Questionnaire Study, Vehicles, 5, 1, Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute - MDPI, p 321-331, DOI: 10.3390/vehicles5010018

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SHOMAN, Murad, IMINE, Hocine, JOHANSSON, Kenth, WALLQVIST, Viveca, 2023, Measuring Cyclist's Inputs, the Kinematic and Dynamic Properties of a City Bicycle, and Estimating the Road Profile via Sensor Fusion, Highlights of Vehicles, 1, 1, Highlights Of Science, 16p, DOI: 10.54175/hveh1010001

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SHOMAN, Murad M, IMINE, Hocine, ACERRA, Ennia Mariapaola, LANTIERI, Claudio, 2023, Evaluation of cycling safety and comfort in bad weather and surface conditions using an instrumented bicycle, IEEE access, 11, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers - IEEE, pp 15096-15108, DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3242583

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RANCHET, Maud, BREMONT, Roland, PALA, Prashant, COLOMB, Michèle, CAVALLO, Viola, 2022, The detection of vulnerable road users by younger and older drivers, Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 91, Elsevier, pp 357-367, DOI: 10.1016/j.trf.2022.10.018

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MECHERI, Sami, LOBJOIS, Régis, MARS, Franck, 2022, Gaze and steering strategies while driving around bends with shoulders, Applied Ergonomics, 103, Elsevier, 25 p., DOI: 10.1016/j.apergo.2022.103798 preprint.pdf

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SIAD, Sabah B, IOVINE, Alessio, DAMM, Gilney, GALAI DOL, Lilia, NETTO, Mariana, 2022, Nonlinear Hierarchical Easy-to-Implement Control for DC MicroGrids, Energies, 15, 3, Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute - MDPI, 19p, DOI: 10.3390/en15030969

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SCHNEIDER, Sonja, MARUHN, Philipp, DANG, Nguyen-Thong, PALA, Prashant, CAVALLO, Viola, BENGLER, Klaus, 2022, Pedestrian Crossing Decisions in Virtual Environments: Behavioral Validity in CAVEs and Head-Mounted Displays, Human factors, 64, 7, SAGE, 17p, DOI: 10.1177/0018720820987446

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CRESCENZO, Giuseppe, VILLA, Céline, BREMOND, Roland, VIGNALI, Valeria, LANTIERI, Claudio, SIMONE, Andrea, 2022, The shape of road markings for visibility computations, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers : Transport, 175, 5, ICE Publishing Ltd, pp. 275-283, DOI: 10.1680/jtran.18.00082

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BREMOND, Roland, 2021, Visual Performance Models in Road Lighting: A Historical Perspective, Leukos, 17, 3, TAYLOR & FRANCIS INC, p. 212-241, DOI: 10.1080/15502724.2019.1708204

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LIGONNIERE, Vanessa, GYSELINCK, Valérie, LHUILLIER, Simon, MOSTAFAVI, Mir, DOMMES, Aurélie, 2021, How does the visual and cognitive saliency of landmarks improve construction of spatial representations in younger and older adults?, SPATIAL COGNITION & COMPUTATION, 21, 4, TAYLOR AND FRANCIS, pp 320-345, DOI: 10.1080/13875868.2021.1992410

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DOMMES, Aurélie, MERLHIOT, Gaetan, LOBJOIS, Régis, DANG, Nguyen-Thong, VIENNE, Fabrice, BOULO, Joris, OLIVIER, Anne-Hélène, CRETUAL, Armel, CAVALLO, Viola, 2021, Young and older adult pedestrians' behavior when crossing a street in front of conventional and self-driving cars, Accident analysis and prevention, 159, Elsevier, 13P, DOI: 10.1016/j.aap.2021.106256

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SHOMAN, Murad M, IMINE, Hocine, 2021, Bicycle Simulator Improvement and Validation, IEEE Access, 9, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers - IEEE, pp 55063-55076, DOI: 10.1109/access.2021.3071214

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REDONDIN, Maxime, BOUILLAUT, Laurent, DAUCHER, Dimitri, 2021, EM Approach for Weibull Analysis in a Strongly Censored Data Context - Application to Road Markings, International journal of performability engineering, 17, 4, Totem Publisher, pp. 333-342, DOI: 10.23940/ijpe.21.04.p1.333342

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CAVALLO, Viola, ESPIE, Stéphane, DANG, Nguyen-Thong, 2021, Improving motorcycle motion perception by using innovative motorcycle headlight configurations: Evidence from simulator and test-track experiments, Accident analysis and prevention, 157, Elsevier, 8p, DOI: 10.1016/j.aap.2021.106118

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PALA, Prashant, CAVALLO, Viola, DANG, Nguyen-Thong, GRANIE, Marie-Axelle, SCHNEIDER, Sonja, MARUHN, Philipp, BENGLER, Klaus, 2021, Is the street-crossing behavior with a head-mounted display different from that behavior in a CAVE? A study among young adults and children, Transportation Research : Part F, Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 82, Elsevier, pp 15-31, DOI: 10.1016/j.trf.2021.07.016

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PALA, Prashant, CAVALLO, Viola, DANG, Nguyen-Thong, GRANIE, Marie-Axelle, SCHNEIDER, Sonja, MARUHN, Philipp, BENGLER, Klaus, 2021, Analysis of Street-Crossing Behavior: Comparing a CAVE Simulator and a Head-Mounted Display among Younger and Older Adults, Accident analysis and prevention, 152, Elsevier, 12p, DOI: 10.1016/j.aap.2021.106004

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GIRARD, Joffrey, VILLA, Céline, BREMOND, Roland, 2021, Discomfort Glare from Several Sources: A Formula for Outdoor Lighting, LEUKOS, The Journal of the Illuminating Engineering Society, 17, 2, TAYLOR AND FRANCIS, pp 108-124, DOI: 10.1080/15502724.2019.1628648

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LOBJOIS, Régis, FAURE, Vérane, DESIRE, Lara, BENGUIGUI, Nicolas, 2021, Behavioral and workload measures in real and simulated driving: Do they tell us the same thing about the validity of driving simulation?, Safety Science, 134, Elsevier, 10p, DOI: 10.1016/j.ssci.2020.105046

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BOUNINI, Farid, GINGRAS, Denis, POLLART, Hervé, GRUYER, Dominique, 2021, From Simultaneous Localization And Mapping to Collaborative Localization for Intelligent Vehicles, IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine, 13, 4, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers - IEEE, pp 196-216, DOI: 10.1109/MITS.2019.2926368

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MECHERI, Sami, ROSEY, Florence, LOBJOIS, Régis, 2020, Manipulating constraints on driver-cyclist interactions in a fixed travel space: Effects of road configuration on drivers' overtaking behavior, Safety Science, 123, ELSEVIER, 11p, DOI: 10.1016/j.ssci.2019.104570

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KAMAL, Md Abdus Samad, RAMEZANI, Mohsen, WU, Guoyuan, RONCOLI, Claudio, RIOS TORRES, Jackeline, ORFILA, Olivier, 2020, Partially Connected and Automated Traffic Operations in Road Transportation, Journal of Advanced Transportation, 2020, WILEY-HINDAWI, 3p, DOI: 10.1155/2020/9490586

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NETTO, Mariana, BURKHARDT, Jean Marie, MARTINESCO, Andrea, GRUYER, Dominique, 2020, Les degrés croissants de la robotisation de la voiture, de la conduite manuelle au tout automatisé : points de vue croisés des sciences technologiques, des sciences cognitives et des facteurs humains, et du droit, In: Droit et robots: Droit science-fictionnel et fictions du droit, Synergie - Sciences humaines, technologies, Presses universitaires de Valenciennes, pp 172-206

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PEPIN, Guillaume, FORT, Alexandra, JALLAIS, Christophe, MOREAU, Fabien, NDIAYE, Daniel, NAVARRO, Jordan, GABAUDE, Catherine, 2020, Impact of mind-wandering on visual information processing while driving: An electrophysiological study, Applied Cognitive Psychology, WILEY, 29 p, DOI: 10.1002/acp.3773

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REDONDIN, Maxime, BOUILLAUT, Laurent, DAUCHER, Dimitri, 2020, A Clustering-based Approach to Segment a Pavement Markings Line, International Journal of Performability Engineering, 16, 10, Totem Publisher, pp 1497-1508, DOI: 10.23940/ijpe.20.10.p1.14971508

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HADJ-BACHIR, Mokrane, DE SOUZA, Philippe, GRUYER, Dominique, 2020, Virtuelle Tests autonomer Funktionen durch Simulation, ATZextra, 25, Springer Nature, pp.18-21, DOI: 10.1007/s35778-020-0109-0

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FAYYAD, Jamil, JARADAT, Mohammad A, GRUYER, Dominique, NAJJARAN, Homayoun, 2020, Deep Learning Sensor Fusion for Autonomous Vehicles Perception and Localization: A Review, Sensors - special issue "Sensor Data Fusion for Autonomous and Connected Driving", 20, 15, Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute - MDPI, 35p, DOI: 10.3390/s20154220

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LOBJOIS, Régis, MARS, Franck, 2020, Effects of motorcycle simulator configurations on steering control and gaze behavior in bends, Journal of Experimental Psychology : Applied, 26, 1, American Psychological Association, pp 108-123, DOI: 10.1037/xap0000241

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LEMONNIER, Sophie, DESIRE, Lara, BREMOND, Roland, BACCINO, Thierry, 2020, Drivers' visual attention: A field study at intersections, Transportation Research : Part F, Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 69, Elsevier, pp 206-221, DOI: 10.1016/j.trf.2020.01.012

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ROGE, Joceline, LAURENT, Sébastien, NDIAYE, Daniel, AILLERIE, Isabelle, VIENNE, Fabrice, 2019, Does a yellow jacket enhance cyclists' sensory conspicuity for car drivers during daylight hours in an urban environment?, Safety Science, 119, Elsevier, 385-391, DOI: 10.1016/j.ssci.2018.06.023

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DEMMEL, Sébastien, GRUYER, Dominique, BURKHARDT, Jean Marie, GLASER, Sébastien, LARUE, Grégoire, ORFILA, Olivier, RAKOTONIRAINY, Andry, 2019, Global risk assessment in an autonomous driving context: Impact on both the car and the driver, IFAC PapersOnLine, 51, Elsevier, pp 390-395, DOI: 10.1016/j.ifacol.2019.01.009

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NETTO, Mariana, 2019, Are 'Hard Sciences' Enough for Teaching Applied Control Design? Driving Assistance and Autonomy in Vehicles as a Case Study, IFAC PapersOnline, 52, 9, Elsevier, pp 190-195, DOI: 10.1016/j.ifacol.2019.08.193

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MARTINESCO, Andrea, NETTO, Mariana, MIRANDA NETO, Arthur, ETGENS, Victor H, 2019, A Note on Accidents Involving Autonomous Vehicles: Interdependence of Event Data Recorder, Human-Vehicle Cooperation and Legal Aspects, IFAC PapersOnLine, 51, 34, International Federation of Automatic Control - IFAC ; Elsevier, pp 407-410, DOI: 10.1016/j.ifacol.2019.01.003

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MECHERI, Sami, LAFFAYE, Guillaume, TRIOLET, Céline, LEROY, David, DICKS, Matt, CHOUKOU, Mohamed, BENGUIGUI, Nicolas, 2019, Relationship between split-step timing and leg stiffness in world-class tennis players when returning fast serves, Journal of Sports Sciences, 37, 17, TAYLOR & FRANCIS, PP 1962-1971, DOI: 10.1080/02640414.2019.1609392

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LI, Xuanpeng, WANG, Dong, AO, Huanxuan, BELAROUSSI, Rachid, GRUYER, Dominique, 2019, Fast 3D Semantic Mapping in Road Scenes, Applied Sciences, 9, 4, Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute - MDPI, 19p, DOI: 10.3390/app9040631

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CLAUSSMANN, Laurène, REVILLOUD, Marc, GRUYER, Dominique, GLASER, Sébastien, 2019, A Review of Motion Planning for Highway Autonomous Driving, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 21, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers - IEEE, pp 1826-1848, DOI: 10.1109/TITS.2019.2913998

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TU, Meiting, LI, Ye, BAO, Lei, WEI, Yuao, ORFILA, Olivier, LI, Wenxiang, GRUYER, Dominique, 2019, Logarithmic Mean Divisia Index Decomposition of CO2 Emissions from Urban Passenger Transport: An Empirical Study of Global Cities from 1960-2001, Sustainability, in the special issue "Sustainable Transportation for Sustainable Cities", 11, 16, Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute - MDPI, 16p, DOI: 10.3390/su11164310

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TU, Meiting, LI, Ye, LI, Wenxiang, TU, Minchao, ORFILA, Olivier, GRUYER, Dominique, 2019, Improving Ridesplitting Services Using Optimization Procedures on a Shareability Network: A Case Study of Chengdu, Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 149, Elsevier, 9p, DOI: 10.1016/j.techfore.2019.119733

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DOMMES, Aurélie, GRANIE, Marie-Axelle, 2019, Les piétons : quelles vulnérabilités et quelles améliorations apporter ? In : L. Carnis, M.-L. Gallenne, C. Gabaude (Coords.), La sécurité routière en France. Quand la recherche fait son bilan et trace des perspectives, L'Harmattan, pp. 293-314

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SAINT JACQUES, Enoch, BREMOND, Roland, VILLA, Céline, DUMONT, Eric, 2019, Un gonioréflectomètre pour les surfaces routières : Chapitre 10. In: Quand la matière diffuse la lumière, Sciences de la matière, Presses des Mines Paristech, pp 165-180

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BOUBEZOUL, Abderrahmane, DUFOUR, Frédéric, BOUAZIZ, Samir, LARNAUDIE, Bruno, ESPIE, Stéphane, 2019, Dataset on powered two wheelers fall and critical events detection, Data in Brief, 23, Elsevier, 6p, DOI: 10.1016/j.dib.2019.103828

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MENEROUX, Yann, LE GUILCHER, Arnaud, SAINT PIERRE, Guillaume, GHASEMI HAMED, Mohammad, MUSTIERE, Sébastien, ORFILA, Olivier, 2019, Traffic signal detection from in-vehicle GPS speed profiles using functional data analysis and machine learning, International Journal of Data Science and Analytics, Springer Verlag, 24 p, DOI: 10.1007/s41060-019-00197-x

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GHASEMI, Navid, IMINE, Hocine, SIMONE, Andrea, LANTIERI, Claudio, VIGNALI, Valeria, FINAMORE, Kevin, 2019, Longitudinal Motion Cueing Effects on Driver Behaviour: A Driving Simulator Study, Advances in Transportation Studies, 49, Aracne Editrice, pp 91-102

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LAFONT, Alex, ROGE, Joceline, NDIAYE, Daniel, BOUCHEIX, Jean-Michel, 2019, Towards a Better Understanding of Emotion Blends: The Case of Anger-Related Emotion Blends Elicited Via Film Clips , Cognition, Brain, Behavior. An Interdisciplinary Journal , 2, XXIII, Romanian Assiciation for Cognitive Science, pp. 77-99, DOI: 10.24193/cbb.2019.23.05

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MONTUWY, Angélique, DOMMES, Aurélie, CAHOUR, Béatrice, 2019, Using Sensory Wearable Devices to Navigate the City: Effectiveness and User Experience in Older Pedestrians, Multimodal Technologies and Interaction, 3, 1, Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute - MDPI, 24p, DOI: 10.3390/mti3010017

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DOMMES, Aurélie, 2019, Street-crossing workload in young and older pedestrians, Accident analysis and prevention, 128, Elsevier, pp 175-184, DOI: 10.1016/j.aap.2019.04.018

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HIDALGO-MUNOZ, Antonio R., JALLAIS, Christophe, EVENNOU, Myriam, NDIAYE, Daniel, MOREAU, Fabien, RANCHET, Maud, DEROLLEPOT, Romain, FORT, Alexandra, 2019, Hemodynamic responses to visual cues during attentive listening in autonomous versus manual simulated driving: A pilot study, Brain and Cognition, 135, Elsevier, 8 p, DOI: 10.1016/j.bandc.2019.103583

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GALLENNE, Marie Line, CEREZO, Véronique, DUMONT, Eric, VIOLETTE, Eric, 2019, Comment améliorer la sécurité des infrastructures routières. In: La sécurité routière en France. Quand la recherche fait son bilan et trace des perspectives, L'Harmattan, p.183-206

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GALLENNE, Marie Line, CEREZO, Véronique, DUMONT, Eric, VIOLETTE, Eric, 2019, Les risques d'accident associés aux infrastructures périurbaines et interurbaines. In: La sécurité routière en France : Quand la recherche fait son bilan et trace des perspectives, L'Harmattan, pp 159-182

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HAMADI, Nacer, IMINE, Hocine, AMEDDAH, Djamel-Eddine, CHARI, Abdelhamid, 2019, Tires-road forces estimation: Using sliding mode and triangular observer, IFAC Journal of Systems and Control, 7, International Federation of Automatic Control - IFAC ; Elsevier, 10p, DOI: 10.1016/j.ifacsc.2019.100032

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MONTUWY, Angélique, DOMMES, Aurélie, CAHOUR, Béatrice, 2019, Helping older pedestrians navigate in the city: comparisons of visual, auditory and haptic guidance instructions in a virtual environment, Behaviour And Information Technology, 38, 2, Taylor & Francis Ltd, pp 150-171, DOI: 10.1080/0144929X.2018.1519035

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CAVALLO, Viola, DOMMES, Aurélie, DANG, Nguyen-Thong, VIENNE, Fabrice, 2019, A street-crossing simulator for studying and training pedestrians, Transportation Research : Part F, Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 61, Elsevier, p 217-228, DOI: 10.1016/j.trf.2017.04.012

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VAN BRUMMELEN, Jessica, O'BRIEN, Marie, GRUYER, Dominique, NAJJARAN, Homayoun, 2018, Autonomous vehicle perception: The technology of today and tomorrow, Transportation research - Part C : Emerging technologies, 89, Elsevier, pp 384-406, DOI: 10.1016/j.trc.2018.02.012

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SHINAR, David, VALERO MORA, P, VAN STRIJP HOUTENBOS, Maura, HAWORTH, N, SCHRAMM, A, DE BRUYNE, Guido, CAVALLO, Viola, CHLIAOUTAKIS, J, DIAS, Joao Pereira, FERRARO, O, FYHRI, A, KUKLANE, K, LEDESMA, R, MASCARELL, O, MORANDI, A, MUSER, M, OTTE, D, PAPADAKAKI, M, DULF, D, HURSA SAJATOVIK, Anica, SANMARTIN, J, SAPLIOGLU, Meltem, TZAMALOUKA, G, 2018, Under-reporting bicycle accidents to police in the COST TU1101 international survey: Cross-country comparisons and associated factors, Accident analysis and prevention, 110, Elsevier, pp 177-186, DOI: 10.1016/j.aap.2017.09.018

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BREMOND, Roland, DOMMES, Aurélie, ENGEL, Léa, 2018, Driving at night with a cataract: Risk homeostasis?, Transportation Research : Part F, Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 53, 2, Elsevier, pp 61-73, DOI: 10.1016/j.trf.2017.12.009

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VILLA, Céline, BREMOND, Roland, GIRARD, Joffrey, 2018, High Dynamic Range Displays improve the realism of motion cues in night driving simulators, Displays, 52, Elsevier, pp 30-39, DOI: 10.1016/j.displa.2018.02.006

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COEUGNET, Stéphanie, DOMMES, Aurélie, PANEELS, Sabrina, CHEVALIER, Aline, VIENNE, Fabrice, DANG, Nguyen-Thong, ANASTASSOVA, Margarita, 2018, Helping older pedestrians navigate unknown environments through vibrotactile guidance instructions, Transportation Research : Part F, Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 58, Elsevier, pp. 816-830, DOI: 10.1016/j.trf.2018.07.017

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CHARBONNIER, Pierre, TAREL, Jean Philippe, 2018, Optimisation globale pour les contours actifs, In: Optimisation de formes en sciences de l'ingénieur : Méthodes et applications, OSI3, Chapitre 4, Les collections de l'IFSTTAR, Institut Français des Sciences et Technologies des Transports, de l'Aménagement et des Réseaux - IFSTTAR, pp. 103-135

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CARAFFA, Laurent, TAREL, Jean Philippe, PAGET, Mathias, 2018, Optimisation de fonction pseudo-booléennes, In: Optimisation de formes en sciences de l'ingénieur : Méthodes et applications, OSI3, Chapitre 5, Les collections de l'IFSTTAR, Institut Français des Sciences et Technologies des Transports, de l'Aménagement et des Réseaux - IFSTTAR, pp. 137-168

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JUDALET, Vincent, GLASER, Sébastien, GRUYER, Dominique, MAMMAR, Said, 2018, Fault Detection and Isolation via the Interacting Multiple Model Approach Applied to Drive-By-Wire Vehicles, Sensors, 18, 7, MDPI, 22 p, DOI: 10.3390/s18072332

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PEPIN, Guillaume, MALIN, Severine, JALLAIS, Christophe, MOREAU, Fabien, FORT, Alexandra, NAVARRO, Jordan, NDIAYE, Daniel, GABAUDE, Catherine, 2018, Do distinct mind wandering differently disrupt drivers? Interpretation of physiological and behavioral pattern with a data triangulation method, Consciousness and Cognition, 62, Elsevier, pp. 69-81, DOI: 10.1016/j.concog.2018.04.006

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LAFONT, Alex, ROGE, Joceline, NDIAYE, Daniel, BOUCHEIX, Jean-Michel, 2018, Driver's emotional state and detection of vulnerable road users: towards a better understanding of how emotions affect drivers' perception using cardiac and ocular metrics, Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 55, Elsevier, pp. 141-152, DOI: 10.1016/j.trf.2018.02.032

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SELLAMI, Yamine, IMINE, Hocine, BOUBEZOUL, Abderrahmane, CADIOU, Jean Charles, 2018, Rollover risk prediction of heavy vehicles by reliability index and empirical modelling, Vehicle System Dynamics, 56, 3, Taylor & Francis Ltd, pp 385-405, DOI: 10.1080/00423114.2017.1381980

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AKHEGAONKAR, Sagar, NOUVELIERE, Lydie, GLASER, Sébastien, 2018, Smart and Green ACC: Energy and Safety Optimization Strategies for EVs, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics : Part A, B & C, 48, IEEE, 12 p, DOI: 10.1109/TSMC.2016.2600273

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MENHOUR, Lghani, D'ANDREA NOVEL, Brigitte, FLIESS, Michel, GRUYER, Dominique, MOUNIER, Hugues, 2018, An efficient model-free setting for longitudinal and lateral vehicle control. Validation through the interconnected pro-SiVIC/RTMaps prototyping platform, IEEE Transactions On Intelligent Transportation Systems, 19, 2, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers - IEEE, pp461-475, DOI: 10.1109/TITS.2017.2699283

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SHAHAR, Amit, BREMOND, Roland, VILLA, Céline, 2018, Can LED-based road studs improve vehicle control in curves at night? A driving simulator study, Lighting research and technology, 50, 2, Sage Publications Ltd, pp. 266-281, DOI: 10.1177/1477153516660146

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